Browser Detective Data Files

Asp.Net 4.0 .Browser add-on Files

  • OceanSpiders.v4.browser Used to help identify some Crawlers, Spiders, and other Mis
  • OceanOS.browser Used to determine the Web browsers OS.
  • OceanAppleWebKit.v4.browser Used to update to Identify WebKit based Browser versions including, Safari, Chrome, iPhone & iPod. 
  • OceanMisc.v4.browser Updates the list for assortment browsers definitions that do not fit any place else. 
  • OceanMobile.v4.browser Updates the list of mobile browser that are able to be identified.
  • MicrosoftBackPort.v4.browser Updates to port some definitions that were in V2 into V4. 
  • layoutEngine.browser Trys to Determine which Layout Engine is in use. 
  • internetexplorerFix.browser This Browser Definition depends on what patches have been applied. This fixes Microsoft Definition for the latest versions Internet Explorer, it changes the browser name back from "Internet Explorer" to "IE". If the Microsoft patch is not installed, this will cause a exception, as it requires Microsoft Fix to be in place.

Asp.Net 2.0 & 3.0 .Browser addon Files

  • OceanSpiders.browser Used to help identify some Crawlers, Spiders, and other Misc Bots. 
  • OceanOS.browser Used to determine the Web browsers OS.
  • OceanAppleWebKit.browser Used to update to Identify WebKit based Browser versions including, Safari, Chrome, iPhone & iPod.
  • OceanMisc.browser Updates the list for assortment browsers definitions that do not fit any place else. 
  • OceanMobile.browser Updates the list of mobile browser that are able to be identified. 
  • OceanOS.browser Used to determine the Web browsers OS.
  • layoutEngine.browser Trys to Determine which Layout Engine is in use. 
  • internetexplorerFix.browser This Browser Definition depends on what patches have been applied. This fixes Microsoft Definition for the latest versions Internet Explorer, it changes the browser name back from "Internet Explorer" to "IE". If the Microsoft patch is not installed, this will cause a exception, as it requires Microsoft Fix to be in place.

Asp.Net 2.0 .Browser file for MONO

  • OceanMono.browser This version is for Mono Installations only. This file only covers a limited set of capabilities since it is not based off of the Microsoft .Browser files that are shipped with Microsoft Asp.Net. I still have to test it against the latest Mono svn to see if anything breaks. Current capabilities that are covered by this version are the following: ["browser", "crawler", "majorversion", "minorversion", "mobileDeviceManufacturer", "mobileDeviceModel", "platform", "version", "isMobileDevice"]. 
  • OceanOS.browser Used to determine the Web browsers OS.
  • layoutEngine.browser Trys to Determine which Layout Engine is in use.

Asp.Net 1.x Installs:

Documentation on browser identification

Browser Definition File Schema  for Asp.Net 2.x Installs.
BrowserCaps configuration element for Asp.Net 1.x Installs.