X-Men #5
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1992
- Month
- 2
- LastChanged
- 2/3/2024 1:47:54 AM
- Writer - Jim Lee
- Writer - John Byrne
- Penciler - Jim Lee
- Inker - Scott Williams
- Inker - Art Thibert
- Lettering - Tom Orzechowski
- Lettering - Lois Buhalis
- Inker - Bob Wiacek
- Inker - Joe Rubinstein
Cerebro sounds an alarm; Forge, Scott,Piotr, and Betsy run to the Blackbird. Hank, Rogue, Jubilee, and Remy wake up in the ambulance, and Remy has a literal ace up his sleeve and frees them. Rogue flies ahead to the ambulance holding Logan, but gunmen shoot her down. Jubilee and Hank manage to drive off the road, while the Blackbird attacks. Betsy warns Scott and Piotr to get away, just as the gunmen blow themselves up. Piotr emerges from the wreckage with Logan's mask.
Logan battles Omega Red in a snow bank, while the Upstarts observe their stamina. They call off Omega Red; Logan, half-dead, remembers seeing him in Berlin thirty years ago. Cornelius rigs Logan for a mind probe; the Upstarts want to recreate the carbonadium synthesizer.
Xavier briefs the X-Men, and sends the Blue Team after Logan while the Gold Team meets with Emma Frost (UXM 281). Jubilee insists on tagging along; Sean leaves to go after Moira; Forge plays chess with Xavier while they wait.
Maverick breaks into the lab, turns out the lights, and frees Logan, who grabs a canister and makes a run for it. Cornered by Omega Red, he slashes through the wall, jumps out of the building, and disappears from sight. Maverick gets him and tells him to rest. The X-Men arrive, and Maverick leaves them to their fate.
In Malibu, Lila tries to make Dazzler remember her past, but she has amnesia. Longshot crashes in and kisses her, and Lila ports them away when Spiral shows up.