X-Men #8

2/24/2024 3:25:09 PM
Tooth and Claw


  Logan can't get computer access to files about his past in Germany and is irritated when Jubilee wants him to meet Bishop, whom Ororo has reluctantly accepted onto the team. Bishop says Forge will be called Genesis, and that Jubilee is the last X-Man.

  Forge is irritated that Ororo hasn't been spending time with him. Ororo is irritated that Scott went down in history as "the X-Men's greatest leader."

  Bishop recognizes Remy as the Witness (UXM 287) and commands (!) Xavier to psi-scan him to see if he is loyal. Xavier demurs, and Jean says it's time for a picnic at the lake.

  Logan gets a one-word answer: "Barrington." He feels his mind slipping, full of fake memories (Wolverine 30), so Xavier says he should focus on the present.

  Jean psi-bolts Scott when she catches him gawking at Betsy. Ororo has to get Bishop to stand down and reminds him they can't build a better future by brutalily. Rogue has prepared a picnic basket for Remy, and he flirtatiously chases her. She runs smack into Bishop, who picks a fight with Remy, who charges Rogue's boysenberry pie and throws it. Rogue's face gets in the way, and she doesn't kill them both but tells Bishop to judge Remy as he is, not as he might become.

  Just then, Bella Donna appears and blasts all three of them. Remy has them stand down and says that's his wife.

  She meets with the team and says the New Orleans guilds are at war. Remy explains that he wed her to bring peace between the Thieves and Assassins Guilds; her brother fought Remy and was killed, and Remy was exiled (before UXM 266). He must return to restore the peace, and the X-Men go with him.

  Ghost Rider speeds into New Orleans, scaring a local sheriff half to death.

  Note: the story continues in Ghost Rider II:26.