X-Men #10

2/3/2024 1:50:19 AM
Where Happy Little Bluebirds Fly


  Longshot, amnesiac, is blown by a tornado to Kansas. His house lands on top of a woman cyclist. He sees Scott, brainless, Rogue, unable to kiss, and Logan, cowardly. Hank plays Toto, with growls only he makes Longshot remember they are being manipulated by Mojo. The start down a yellow brick road to his citadel.

  Mojo's "The Wizard of X" is making record ratings; he has Xavier strung up and forced to watch.

  Major Domo reruns how the X-Men were captured: Dazzler found a teleporter to take her to Westchester, but he was a double agent and kidnapped the X-Men to the Mojoverse. Mojo immediately jammed the psi's; Scott turned up the music to charge Dazzler, who zaps Mojo and escapes. She sees Longshot, working for Mojo again, and falls down a well.

  Mojo sends Remy, Betsy, Jubilee, and Lila to attack Longshot. Dazzler, unconscious among the garbage, is retrieved by Mojo II (see next iss.). Story 2:

  Last Stand (6 pages) Mike Rockwitz Maverick is surrounded by guards. He drops a grenade, locks himself in his armor, and kills a few dozen. Ryking observes and considers giving himself up, but a super soldier refuses to let him, saying Barrington needs him. Maverick blasts in; Ryking swears he told Barrington everything he knows about the Xavier File; Maverick is still under orders to kill him, but gets interrupted by a blast to the back. The super soldier says he needs Ryking to fix his body, which the X-Men rendered useless. They begin a tussle.