X-Men #13

2/3/2024 1:51:17 AM
Hazardous Territory


  Brian Xavier, Kurt Marko, and Alexander Ryking worked together at Alamogordo, and two of their sons became mutants (and the other a big bully). Carter wants to know why, so he takes Xavier to the abandoned base. He is angry Xavier didn't believe the file he sent him, and blasts a wall to reveal a hidden staircase.

  The X-Men arrive, and Logan tracks Xavier. Rogue tries to help, considering his recent mental problems, but he just gets angry. He expects to find answers on this base, too. They find the hidden subbasements; Scott, Remy, and Hank arrive to find Carter holding Xavier, Logan, and Rogue.

  Cannonball (having just lost Cable, X-Force 15) calls the mansion, interrupting Jubilee's bubble bath, then doesn't leave a message.

  Rusty and Skids, working for Stryfe, recover a scroll with Egyptian writing and a picture of Apocalypse.

  The X-Men are uncoordinated, trying to capture Carter, while Xavier and Hank say they should just talk to him. Scott blasts the tasers he has attached to his arms; without them, he can't control the release of his energy. The X-Men are about to flee, but Xavier won't abandon him. He tries to control him telepathically, but his power explodes, destroying the base but leaving the epicenter unharmed.

  Logan questions Carter, but Xavier says they found nothing in the base and suggests they investigate elsewhere.