X-Men #20

2/3/2024 1:53:04 AM
Digging in the Dirt


  Xavier uses Cerebro to review the incident with the Soul Skinner, while Jubilee hangs out with him. He asks her if the murder of the Rasputins effected her, since her parents were killed, but she shrugs it off and rollerblades away. Xavier sees through her defenses, just as she sees through his (UXM 297). He goes to check on Piotr, who is nursing Illyana, still sick.

  Betsy goes to the hanger to see Scott, who is working on the Blackbird. He slips and falls on her; she licks and then kisses him. He backs off, saying this isn't going to happen, even if he is confused. Just then Jean walks in, Scott scampers guiltily away, Betsy gives Jean a look, and she runs off, full of doubts.

  Jubilee finds Logan, cutting trees on the grounds and brooding about life's unfairness. He smells something funny, but realizes it's just Betsy; Jean sees something out the window, scans telepathically, and finds nothing. She hears Remy and Hank working out, and she realizes they don't need to use the Danger Room to hone their skills, but to relax.

  Ororo finishes checking Rogue's eyes; she can see again. Jean pops in: a trio of lovelorn hearts.

  Scott looks at the picture of Jean that he broke (iss. 12) and packs to leave. He tells Xavier he's going to visit his grandparents in Alaska; he sees the picture and understands all. Ororo catches his arm on the way out and advises him not to isolate himself like she did with Forge; Jean overhears and lets him leave without a goodbye.

  Then she locates Betsy, in the Danger Room; they ignore the computer's warning of a duplicate Betsy. Jean bluntly asks Betsy if she's having an affair with Scott. She says no, but she wants to, and Jean accuses her of manipulating his mind. Betsy stabs her with her psi-blade, letting her know all, but knocking him out.

  Kwannon enters; Betsy thinks she's a hologram that Jean set up, but then she generates a katana blade and attacks, beheading Betsy psychically.

  The X-Men arrive at the ready; Kwannon removes her facemask and claims to be the real Betsy Braddock.