X-Men #31

2/3/2024 1:59:36 AM
Soul Possessions

The Butterfly and the Hawk

  Spiral watches Kwannon's memories from when she was Matsu'o's lover and paid assassin. Then she switches to the optical devices she implanted in Betsy's eyes. Xavier is sleeping, and Kwannon, now in Betsy's body, has her sword raised above him. Then the transmission cuts off.

  Xavier talks to Betsy (in Kwannon's body): he had awakened to find a note stuck to the floor with Kwannon's sword. She decided to leave, so the X-Men wouldn't be concerned about her and her Legacy Virus. Betsy says things were never resolved; Xavier says they both know she has Betsy's soul. Betsy shows him the bionic eyeballs that Kwannon left for her.

  Spiral realizes what happened and wonders where Kwannon went, blind. Matsu'o, who lost an eye (iss. 23) and wears a patch, looks at an old photo of Kwannon and remembers their time together. He served the Hand and she Nyoirin, and they were caught on opposite sides of their conflict. Kwannon said if ordered, she would kill him and asks him to do the same, to keep honor. His sad reminiscences are interrupted: Spiral has arrived. He blames her for the mess up, but she said she fixed Kwannon's body like he asked. She takes the blame for mixing up Kwannon's memories so she wouldn't return to him, but now she tells him to grab his last chance for love.

  Betsy works out in the Danger Room, not wanting to think. Warren interrupts with a hologram of himself as Angel, and she splits it down the middle. He wants to take her to brunch, to talk, and she appreciates his concern.

  Hank hangs from the ceiling fan while he has tea and chats with Xavier, who wants him to lead the Blue Team and run the mansion. He had planned to spend more time researching the Legacy Virus, but he steps up to the plate. They also discuss the Massachusetts Academy (see Generation X), which Frost had willed to them.

  Remy bothers Rogue in her room, sensing something bothering her, but she denies all (see Gambit 3, Feb-94).

  Matsu'o remembers battling Kwannon, when he had been sent to kill Nyoirin. They sliced each other, then the cliff fell out from under her. Then Nyoirin, who also loved her, let him take her back to the Hand and try to save her. Fatefully, he called on the Mandarin.

  Kwannon returns, a scarf around her eyes and her sword drawn.

  Betsy shows Warren the bionic eyes; they have a shared experience of being physically reconfigured. Betsy tries to accept who she is, but questions remain.

  Kwannon reads Matsu'o's mind; he had found Betsy washed up on shore and tried to use her to restore Kwannon's mind, not realizing she would possess her body.

  Follow this if you can: while Matsu'o tried to love Betsy in Kwannon's body, Nyoirin gave Kwannon Betsy's memories, to keep her from returning to Matsu'o, but she eventually remembered her real past. Matsu'o says they can start again, but she shows him she's near death. She tells him to redeem himself: to kill her before the Legacy Virus does. He does, freeing her, and her thoughts spread outward.

  In Westchester, Betsy feels her go, and her anguish makes Warren crash the car. They crawl out of the wreck to find Spiral waiting.