Uncanny X-Men #411

1/27/2024 7:57:22 AM
Hope 2 of 3


  Sammy never expected to be a mutant, or to go to Xavier's school just as the X-Men were all killed. Xavier loses touch with Warren's team.

  "Cassidy Keep: Scotland." Bobby blasts Juggernaut with ice: "When has that ever worked?" He grabs the stake that Logan is impaled on and pulls it free. Logan pops claws, and Bobby continues his barrage. Vines suddenly pull Warren into the ground, and Stacy and Kurt are unable to stop it.

  Juggernaut breaks through all the ice and explains he's the one who called for help: Tom is mutating further (cf. Generation X 25) and is out of control. Vines pop up; Bobby freezes and breaks some, and Kurt teleports to the roof, but the rest are dragged underground.

  Rosy Manor Convalescent Hospital: nurse Annie wheels a catatonic man outside, talking to him all the while. The other nurses applaud her dedication but think she really just wants him to wake up and carry her off into the sunset. Her son is waiting at the fountain, reading the paper, and she sees a picture of the Summers boys and realizes her patient is Alex.

  Tom is feeding off his captives, through the vines; Logan tells Juggernaut his partner's trying to kill him, while the X-Men he hates were trying to help him. Bobby touches a vine, feeling the direction of the water in it back to the source.

  Annie calls Xavier's school and leaves a message; Scott and Jean are shocked when they play it.

  Bobby uses ice to force apart a crack in the castle, revealing Tom's garden of captives.

  Note: Cassidy Keep is usually in Ireland, but it has been known to switch dimensions (Generation X 8), so you never know.

  Note: Alex was thought killed (X-Factor 149), led the Six in an alternate universe (Mutant X 1-32), and has been in limbo since.