X-Men #122
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 2002
- Month
- 3
- LastChanged
- 2/3/2024 8:03:08 AM
- Writer - Grant Morrison
- Artist - Frank Quitely
- Inker - Tim Townsend
- Inker - Sandu Florea
- Inker - Perrotta
- Lettering - Richard Starkings
- Lettering - Comicraft
- Lettering - Saida Temofonte
- Ass't Editor - Pete Franco
- Editor - Mark Powers
- Editor in Chief - Joe Quesada
Lilandra's in trouble again; this time she lost her empire to "the Immensity": Nova in Xavier's body. Her men panic, and her ship is all that stands between Earth and the Shi'ar fleet. She refuses to destroy Xavier's body and sends Smasher to warn the X-Men, while Nova drives the steersman mad and has him destroy the ship.
The mansion now has 4 wings, in X-shape. Emma puts on a jacket and ends the school's official schedule, announces Hank's return, and asks the students for new teaching ideas.
Jean is reorganizing the school from Xavier's notes, and Scott is worried about her recent power boost. She berates him, saying Xavier is dying, and to get his priorities in order.
Hank points out happy accidents: his recent mutation thickened his skull, saving him (iss. 117); Nova placing him in a coma let Xavier direct his body to the morgue (iss. 119). Xavier is barely alive in Cerebra, which holds his mind together.
Jean says Xavier didn't know he had a twin; she was born without a body and formed one from Xavier's cells. She's living emotion, and her universe is herself and Xavier. She made the school public to weaken the X-Men (iss. 116), and there's some connection to the U-Men (2001 Ann.). Hank hopes the Shi'ar see through her, but he strengthens the mansion's defenses. Nova booby-trapped her own body with diseases to stop Xavier, who mentally tells Jean he wants to make a final public statement, a "mutant rights charter."
Logan knows Nova will return to see Xavier die, and Jean expects space invaders. Hank is troubled he might really be devolving; Jean says he's improving. He's working with U-Men technology to try to cure Xavier.
Scott goes alone to get Xorn (2001 Ann.), who may be able to heal Xavier. He's in a Buddhist monastery in China, reviving a dead bird.
Smasher crash lands on a farm and gives his warning to cows. Moo.
Note: Emma says, "The whole world is watching us now. We must be nothing less than fabulous."
Cover name was changed to "New X-Men" for Issues 114 - 156.