Wolverine: Xisle #4
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 2003
- Month
- 9
- LastChanged
- 2/11/2024 2:14:46 PM
Wolverine: Xisle
- Writer - Bruce Jones
- Artist - Jorge Lucas
- Colorist - Studio F
- Colorist - Oscar Carreno
- Lettering - Dave Sharpe
- Ass't Editor - Nova Suma
- Ass't Editor - Mike Raicht
- Editor - Mike Marts
- Editor in Chief - Joe Quesada
Logan and Amiko ride the roller-coaster, and Logan throws knives to try to win her a teddy bear, but he misses and gets angry. She flees; he follows onto the beach; she runs into the water and is attacked by a shark.
Logan washes up on the beach: the barmaid put him in so the salt water could clean his wounds. He asks her if he's dying, and she says he is. His memories are unclear; he asks if this is a dream; she says all of life is; he at least knows the sand is real. He asks if he has to kill the Yeti; she says one of them must die, and she disappears into the jungle. Logan finds her swimming; some books are nearby, including The Odyssey and a book with no title. Logan jumps into the pond, and the barmaid swims with him; he asks her if she's a witch like Circe who tempted Ulysses. She changes the subject to the other book: the title page says, A Coney Island of the Mind, by Lawrence Ferlinghetti. He doesn't know it. He could live forever with here there, but death is said to be like that. They kiss.
Later they walk through the jungle, as the Yeti growls. Logan challenges it, and it attacks; Logan is felled, but the boy appears and tells the Yeti to let him be.
Note: Ferlinghetti's A Coney Island of the Mind is a book of poems, written as a circus of the soul.