Spider-Man 2099 #2

1/14/2024 12:00:15 AM


  Miguel O'Hara is still recalling for Lyla what happened to him in the past couple of days. In his fear of what happened to Miguel O'Hara, Aaron Delgato tries to kill him, but only further destroys the lab. An explosion throws him out the window. Miguel tries to save him, but his new talons dig into Aaron's arm and Aaron squirms free to plunge to his death (?). Authorities arrive, and Miguel, realizing what Aaron must have done, attempts to jump to his death as well, but saves himself with his taloned hands and feet and climbs to the top of the Alchemax tower. He finds his escape in a handgliding Thorite, who believes the harbinger of Thor has finally come.

  Venture, a bounty-hunting cyborg, arrives on the scene, shows Tyler Stone his findings of the accident, who promptly hires Venture to bring back this mystery "wall-crawler". Miguel makes his way home to further discover his retracting talons and accelerated vision, as well as an unusual itch in his forearms. Quickly pushing his brother Gabriel out as he notices Venture coming, Miguel dons a costume he picked up during a "Day of the Dead" festival in Mexico. In an attempt to erase any suspicion that Miguel is this new "Spider-Man", he attacks Venture.