Spider-Man 2099 #25

7/6/2024 6:53:24 AM
For the Little People


  Gabriel tells his mother what happened to Kasey and himself, and she sets off to "make things right." Back at Miguel's apartment, there is a love lost between Xina and Dana, and they are not about to forget it. Xina seems to have repaired Lyla. Meanwhile, Spider-Man and Venture have an exciting rematch, highlighted by Spidey throwing Venture onto the mag-lev tracks with an oncoming car. Venture, however, is not taken out by the same trick twice (from #3). Venture's removable hands pin Spider-Man, and the stalemate affords Venture the opportunity to thank Spider-Man for "cleaning my sister's clock." Miguel learns a little about fighting, but they still part as enemies. Venture goes on to beat some more crap out of Risque, who is still paralyzed. Spider-Man tails Tyler Stone to Alchemax, ready to make him pay for all the damage he's done to his family and friends. Tyler Stone comes home to find Conchata ready to take care of business of her own. As Spider-Man sneaks through his mansion, Conchata bargains for the release of Kasey with blackmail proof that Stone was involved with his wife's death. Spider-Man finds them kissing, Tyler admitting his admiration for "Connie". He goes on to say that what he gave Miguel was only a simulation of Rapture that would have cleared his system in three days. Spider-Man is dumbfounded by the news that his creation was avoidable. Conchata coldly leaves Tyler Stone, not before she reveals, "I don't see George O'Hara when I look at Miguel. I see Miguel's father instead. More and more each day, I see you in him. And if you ever tell him, I'll kill you."