Uncanny X-Men #409
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 2002
- Month
- 9
- LastChanged
- 1/27/2024 7:56:06 AM
- Writer - Joe Casey
- Writer - Sean Phillips
- Lettering - Richard Starkings
- Lettering - Comicraft
- Lettering - Saida Temofonte
- Colorist - Hi-Fi Design
- Ass't Editor - Mike Raicht
- Editor - Mike Marts
- Editor in Chief - Joe Quesada
Warren has been gathering information; Logan has been observing and thinks brute force would work better than bribery. They tell Jon they don't like each other, and he sides with Warren's methods.
Vanisher meets with druglords, and Stacy introduces herself with a business proposition about the X-Ranch.
Kurt finds the cardinal at St. Paul's altar, says he was recently ordained, and berates him for allowing drug use in the church basement. The cardinal injects himself and turns monstrous, calls Kurt a demon and attacks. Kurt tries to strangle him with his stole but then COH soldiers teleport in and shoot the reprobate cardinal. They recognize Kurt, whom the Supreme Pontiff has plans for, and teleport away before explaining further.
In the Plaza Hotel, Stacy is in a hottub with Vanisher, letting him sample her stuff. He wants to franchise the X-Ranch, and she touches him; he realizes she's kept him out of action for two weeks, and she tells him Warren wants to meet with him.
Logan finds Kurt asleep on his couch, having a nightmare.
Warren eats with Vanisher at Tavern on the Green; he's bought out his contacts, and before he can disappear, Bobby walks up behind him and freezes him. Turns out the waiters are Vanisher's men; they injects themselves and turn monstrous; Bobby tells Warren to get clear. Logan waits outside, expecting to be called in to end the fight, but Bobby just froze everyone in place, quick as you please.
The team reassembles for congratulations; Kurt pops away, and Jon notes he's been acting strangely. Logan departs, still uneasy allies with Warren. He finds Kurt brooding on the roof, and they agree there's not much difference between Sean's methods and their own. It's a new world (c.f. X-Men II:128).
Note: the current cardinal in New York is Edward Egan, who has been accused of turning a blind eye to priest pedophiles.