Uncanny X-Men #329

1/22/2024 6:32:12 PM
Warriors of the Ebon Night


  Dr. Strange sees in his scrying pool that the X-Men are in over their heads. Warren goes with Logan to a Chinese restaurant, to get a mystical elixir to save Betsy because she is a ninja. Warren, feeling he should be at her bedside, decides Logan is crazy; he tells him he's "too self-absorbed to see other possibilities" and makes him sit down. He knocks the teacup out of his hand; the steam from the tea forms itself into a ninja. The restaurant patrons flee; Logan and Warren, with his damaged wing, try to figure out how to fight it.

  It blasts Logan, but he isn't phased. He tells Warren the thing is sensitive to metal, so Warren slices it with his wings, but the pieces, hydra-like, regenerate into copies of itself. Logan kills an old woman who has been watching, then reaches into her corpse and pulls out Gomurr, who sent the ninja to test them.

  Logan tells him they want some Crimson Dawn from the Ebon Vein; he says that's madness; Logan pops claws and forces him to help. Strange appears: he's coming along.