Uncanny X-Men #420
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 2003
- Month
- 5
- LastChanged
- 1/27/2024 8:06:19 AM
Dominant Species
- Writer - Chuck Austen
- Penciler - Kia Asamiya
- Colorist - J.D. Smith
- Lettering - Paul Tutrone
- Ass't Editor - Nova Suma
- Ass't Editor - Mike Raicht
- Editor - Mike Marts
- Editor in Chief - Joe Quesada
Lobo's gang attacks Warren and Paige again, and both get badly mauled. Lobo asks Warren who he is, and when he answers, Lobo says he killed his father. Warren is shocked but then goes to help Paige; he decides life has to be more than survival of the fittest, and if someone as loving as her doesn't live, then "there is no God." He swoops down with a big stick, knocks the werewolves away, and flies off with her.
Jean-Paul and Cain track their communicators; Kurt pops in, saying he just teleported four miles, so Jean-Paul can never call him useless. Jean-Paul, faster than the jet, flies ahead.
Xavier screams, and then comes back, and Carter with him. He tells Annie they need to talk about the boy and his father.
The werewolves herd Warren back to Lobo-Tech. He remembers what Betsy told him when he almost died in Scotland (iss. 410), that they weren't meant to be together forever, but just till she helped him learn to truly love. He tries to get Paige to tell him more, but she's unconscious. He realizes he now has a healing factor in his blood, so he slashes himself and bleeds on her; she wakes, saying Betsy never loved Neal (X-Men II:109) the way she loved him. Warren always kept hidden behind his blue skin, the reminder of Apocalypse (X-Factor 18). Betsy had foreseen her death and wanted someone to love her before she died, so she went for Neal, and Warren retreated behind the blue instead of really loving her.
Lobo arrives; Warren asked him why he revealed himself by attacking humans (iss. 417); he admits it wasn't smart, but it was fun. He wanted the world to know how much better he is. Warren sees boxes marked "Stark," and Lobo admits he's been reselling them as weapons, under Lobo-Tech's label. Warren, as owner, is ultimately responsible.
Cain crashes through the roof; Bobby flash-freezes some werewolves, while Jean-Paul blinds them with flashes of light. Kurt ports Warren and Paige to safety; Cain tosses a werewolf out the window and asks for more.
Lobo stands on top of a flammable tank and hits it with a mallet; Cain uses part of a wall as a shield, but is caught in the huge explosion while the rest escape. Warren thinks Paige was right: mutants think they're the dominant species, homo superior, as a kind of mystic destiny based on science. He thinks there's a need for all species in the world, and people can learn and rise above physical drives and make moral choices for the greater good.
Cain says, "Man that was… cool" and collapses. Paige doesn't think he can survive; Warren says he can help.
Later, Warren flies over the school grounds, where Cain is playing ball with Carter and Sammy. He was heartbroken by Betsy but realized he had broken many hearts himself. Before her, he loved casually or not at all, a playboy. He thanks Betsy, sheds a tear, and says goodbye.
Warren thinks Betsy came to him in spirit, helping him get past his anger and pain and learning to grow. He knocks on Paige's door, and she lets him in.
Notes: Burtram Worthington, Warren's uncle, was the villainous Dazzler and was responsible for his brother's murder. Evidently, he hired Lobo to do the deed.