Uncanny X-Men #325
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1995
- Month
- 10
- LastChanged
- 1/22/2024 6:30:39 PM
Generation of Evil
- Writer - Scott Lobdell
- Penciler - Joe Madureira
- Inker - Tim Townsend
- Inker - Matt Ryan
- Colorist - Steve Buccellato
- Colorist - Electric Crayon
- Lettering - Richard Starkings
- Lettering - Comicraft
- Editor in Chief - Bob Harras
Note: this is the 20th anniversary special issue (since Giant-Sized 1).
The X-Men and Generation X play baseball. Bishop steals home, and when Skin breaks the rules and uses his power to reach him, Bishop just drags him along, and there's a mutant pile-up on the plate. Logan and Ororo are glad they've taken time to laugh again. Piotr teleports in from Antarctica, carrying Callisto, unconscious.
Marrow returns to the Morlock tunnels and takes a subway car hostage.
Callisto wakes; she needs help stopping Gene Nation. She explains that Mikhail teleported some of the Morlocks away (iss. 293) but only made it to a desolate world. The next generation grew up angry, and Marrow led them back to Earth seeking vengeance, on the anniversary of the Mutant Massacre (iss. 211).
Rogue calls; Remy happens to pick up the phone. She says she and Bobby are on their way to Seattle; he assumes she knows his secret and goes after her. Threnody observes and alerts Sinister.
Callisto takes Ororo, Logan, and Piotr into the tunnels; they bicker over who's responsible for the Morlocks' problems. They find a corpse (X-Men Prime) and a sign from Marrow pointing the way. Reverb detects them despite Callisto's cloak, and Gene Nation attacks. Ororo and Callisto realize it's just a diversion and find the subway passengers running down a tunnel. They question one, who pulls a gun and shoots Callisto; it is Sack, whom Ororo sends blowing down the tunnel. Marrow arrives and says she was Sarah (Cable 15) and once believed Ororo would save the Morlocks.
She has wired the subway passengers with explosives and opens her chest to reveal the detonator attached to her own heart. She says Ororo is too weak to do what she must; Ororo accepts the challenge, plus two bones that Marrow pulls from her body as weapons. They dual; Ororo draws first blood and tastes it. They continue to stab each other while Logan and Piotr observe. Reverb attacks Ororo psionically, so Ororo throws knives into him. Marrow is thirty seconds from detonation, so Ororo pulls out her heart (yes, that's right: she grabs her heart and yanks it out, still beating!), killing her.
Callisto and Piotr share a single passionate kiss, then she takes charge of Gene Nation. Piotr stays with the X-Men, saying he has to come to terms with his own mistakes. Logan reassures Ororo that killing happens.