Uncanny X-Men #293

1/22/2024 7:00:56 AM
The Last Morlock Story


  Bishop tracks the Morlocks through their tunnels; he, Ororo and Piotr find them under Mikhail's leadership.

  Xavier has meanwhile sent Jean to find Warren and climbed back to his wheelchair. Callisto finds and challenges him to a duel by kicking him in the teeth.

  Piotr un-armors himself, trusting his brother and trying to convince him he needs psychological help. Mikhail says he's only good at killing, and he opens gates to the East River, flooding the tunnels.

  Callisto slashes at Xavier while the waters rise. He punches her, but realizes he shares her anger over physical deformity. Mikhail lifts uses his power to drag her to him and explains he seeks redemption by putting the Morlocks out of their misery. Bobby arrives and traps him in ice, which he easily shatters. But this time Bobby has backup.

  Jean finds Warren mourning his lost wings. He tells her to back off, furious:

  "You have no idea what it's like to have your entire life pulled out from under you!"

  "Warren, please. You're talking to a woman who's been killed, cloned, and kidnapped

  more times that I can remember. Let's keep it in perspective."

  She tells him he's responsible for his actions, not Apocalypse and not his wings.

  Bishop charges up and attacks Mikhail; Piotr pulls him back before he gets killed. Bobby and Ororo ineffectively try to hold back the flood. Piotr tells his brother he's a coward; Warren swoops him out of the way, not trusting Mikhail. Mikhail puts the X-Men in a force bubble and ejects them from the tunnels, then waits to die.

  Piotr calls home to say he won't be visiting, and he has no surprise. Jean hugs him.

  Ororo finds all her plants dead, her last companions from Kenya. Bishop comforts her.