X-Force #61

1/27/2024 9:38:27 PM
And Now its Time for Another Thrilling Adventure


  With Cable, Shatterstar is in a simulated future, where he fights and is stabbed by Mojo. Mojo is siphoning energy from human couch potatoes and beaming it back to Mojoworld. Spiral shows up, willing to help X-Force stop him, and takes Longshot and Siryn into the TV, while the rest fight Gog and Magog.

  Mojo is furious at the traitor Spiral, and the TV signal goes out. Spiral returns to the Weisman Institute, and they go to Benjamin Russell's bed, who has been in a coma ever since his mutant powers manifested. Longshot transfers Shatterstar's soul into Benjamin's body, and he awakens. Spiral claims a connection to both men, and ports them all back to Mojoworld just as Mojo shows up. Caliban smashes the TV before Mojo can trace the signal back, and he is lost in transmission.

  The Gamesmaster observes and laughs.