X-Force #67
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1997
- Month
- 6
- LastChanged
- 1/27/2024 9:40:28 PM
Stand off
- Writer - John Francis Moore
- Penciler - Adam Pollina
- Inker - Mark Morales
- Lettering - Richard Starkings
- Lettering - Comicraft
- Colorist - Team Bucce
- Editor - Mark Powers
- Editor in Chief - Bob Harras
The MLF has taken hostages in a cancer research center in St. Louis that they mistakenly think is developing a new Legacy Virus.
Zero Tolerance and the media surround the place; Domino, Siryn, and Sunspot arrive disguised as reporters and bluff their way past Gryaznova. (Roberto is shown "powered-down" for the first time since Reignfire.) But Gryaznova knows who they are, and she locates and overpowers Shatterstar, Meltdown, and Rictor.
The MLF recognize Domino, too (she ought to talk to Mystique), realize Dani betrayed them, and attack. Dani fells Wildside, and announces she is an undercover SHIELD agent.
The three hostage scientists them reveal themselves as undercover Zero Tolerance Sentinels, authorized to kill all mutants.
Cable thinks there's a connection between Caliban's seizures (iss. 65, 66) and the reemergence of Angel's wings (Uncanny 338), since both had been manipulated by Apocalypse. Ozymandias says it Apocalypse's way to reclaim Caliban.