Uncanny X-Men #382

1/26/2024 9:47:58 PM
Lost Souls


  Nathan says Shockwave Riders were legendary in his time. Remy has him guard their bodies as they go into the psi-plane after Jean. She sees a vision of the Neo's land, in synch with nature, but now ruined by battle. A Neo attacks her, is immune to her psi, and beats her in hand-to-hand combat. Then she pulls out the Phoenix.

  Remy, Ororo, and Hank arrive, and they are attacked by the Neo Lost Souls, who merge with them. Meanwhile, Cable is attacked by the Shockwave Riders again, but he has learned their moves.

  Remy sees his worst moment: the Mutant Massacre; Ororo sees villains who have hurt her and hers; Hank sees humanity turning against him; Jean sees Apocalypse.

  Nathan uses his psimitar to send energy to them all, giving up his own advantage against the Neo. Remy stops blaming himself and laughs; the others also free themselves with hope. They all return to the physical world and insist they have no quarrel with the Neo, who won't listen to reason, and run away to fight another day.

  Remy explains that he originally invited them all to Venice (last iss.) for a rescue mission. Despite some doubts, they agree to help him.