X-Force #79
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1998
- Month
- 7
- LastChanged
- 1/27/2024 9:44:40 PM
Set my Soul on Fire
- Writer - John Francis Moore
- Penciler - Adam Pollina
- Inker - Mark Morales
- Inker - Rob Stull
- Colorist - Steve Buccellato
- Lettering - Comicraft
- Lettering - Richard Starkings
- Editor - Bobbie Chase
- Editor in Chief - Bob Harras
From the Damocles Foundation in Portland, Joshua takes a molecular disruptor and goes to Vegas, where Reignfire is holding the team captive. He uses a mentally challenged mutant, Short Circuit, to suppress their powers. He plans to kill them all, take over the rest of Bobby's life, and destroy the world to make is safe for mutants.
Reignfire was lab experiment #19: Joshua used Bobby's blood to keep him alive, and now he is able to siphon off his solar power. He kept Bobby prisoner for months and established a psychic bond with him, which Cable broke.
James attacks Locus and Short Circuit, which frees the rest of the team. Locus tries to port his head off, but Sally interrupts, and when she tries it on her, their powers interact, porting both of them far away.
They all break out of the building; Joshua arrives and blasts Reignfire, but not enough. Bobby picks up the disruptor and destroys Reignfire's body, so then he possesses Bobby.