Transformers: Generation 1 V3 #3

DreamWave Productions
8/8/2004 11:44:00 AM


  In a flashback, we see Sunstorm and Jetfire fighting inside the Nemesis. Though unable to use his full powers on Jetfire, Sunstorm manages to get the upper hand, but is taken down by Jetfire's helmet-guns. The Autobot scientist then takes Starscream, and the two escape. Cut to the present, where Jetfire, Stascream, and Bumblebee's Autobots are conferring on what to do about their mutual foe. Brawn and Starscream almost come to blows, but Jetfire pushes them apart, and mentions that -- despite Sunstorm's supernatural powers -- he may be able to stop him.

  On Cybertron, Prowl is trying to unwind after a grueling day of fielding questions from concerned Cybertronians about their future. Ironhide tells him to ginore them, that they're merely afraid of change, and Kup adds that maybe the Autobots should simpl leave Cybertron and go where they're needed. Ironhide thinks that's crazy talk, but Prowl gives it some serious consideration...

  Back on Earth, Bumblebee has partially recharged Starscream's Decepticons and set them free, in exchange for Starscream revealing where Jazz and the other Autobots (from issue #1) are hidden. This doesn't sit well with some of the Autobots, especially Brawn, whose complaints simply deepen Bumblebee's self-doubts. His introspection is interrupted by a ruckus from the infirmary, where Ratchet has extracted -- and amplified -- a sample of Starscream's genes, creating a "decoy Starscream" they can use to lure Sunstorm. Jetfire explains that Sunstorm is a clone of Starscream, enhanced to tolerate the powers he wields. But if the Autobots can sufficiently weaken Sunstorm, the decoy's inhibitor field should keep him from regenerating, allowing him to be captured.

  Starscream points out that Sunstorm is approaching their position; in response, Bumblebee leads Brawn, Bumper, Warpath, and Cliffjumper to engage him. Sunstorm attack's Bumblebee's shuttle, thinking Starscream is inside, and quickly blasts it into a construction site. He is then challenged by the other Autobots, joined by Jetfire, but Sunstorm still manages to hold his own -- until Bumblebee blasts him in the back with the inhibitor! Wekened by its power, Sunstorm flees, and a weary Jetfire decides to call their last, best hope...

  Later, in Alaska, Sunstorm stumbles into Starscream's hidden lair, begging for help. Before Starscream can reply, however, the ceiling collapses, and a massive claw captures Sunstorm...!