X-Men #36
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1994
- Month
- 9
- LastChanged
- 2/3/2024 2:02:20 AM
Generation Next
Drop the Leash
- Writer - Fabian Nicieza
- Penciler - Andy Kubert
- Inker - Matt Ryan
- Lettering - Bill Oakley
- Separations - Digital Chameleon
- Editor - Bob Harras
- Editor in Chief - Tom Defalco
Note: this is part of the Phalanx Covenant crossover.
Phalanx T-O covers M like worms, but they are still unable to assimilate mutants, and she studies them. Lang and Hodge decide the answer is assimilation of all they can, and elimination of the others, starting with Xavier's next generation of recruits; Lang has reservations about attacking humans.
Cops surround Everett; he is a local St. Louis kid who has started manifesting his mutant power to copy the powers of others. He had been fighting Phalanx and screamed so loud he blew out all the windows in the neighborhood. The cops don't believe him, till the Phalanx attack again; Sean and Sabretooth come to his rescue. Sean liquefies the Phalanx; the cops decide not to arrest him.
The Phalanx attack the Guthrie farm in Kentucky, fight back the family and abduct Paige.
Frost is guarding Jubilee, who tells her keeping young mutants hidden and ignorant won't keep them safe. She realizes the humans around them are turning into Phalanx. The others arrive; Sean and Everett scream in unison, and Sabretooth slashes, but the Phalanx adapt. Frost links minds with Jubilee and Everett, helping him copy and control her power; he explodes the Phalanx at the sub- atomic level (paf?).
Lang projects through the T-O remains and tells Sean they have Sara Grey (missing since X-Factor 12), assimilating her against her will. He says the Phalanx came from Warlock's ashes (New Mutants 95). Frost tries to make him see the Phalanx are taking over humanity; he sees it as a way to out-do mutants.
Frost says she's got a fix on Paige; Jubilee points out that Sabretooth has escaped.
Note: continued in UXM 317.