Uncanny X-Men #351

1/26/2024 9:35:11 PM
Hours & Minutes


  Note: this occurs after X-Men II:71.

  Cecelia has decided to be a doctor, not a hero. On the way out, she bumps into Ororo, who says she's always welcome back, and Logan, who takes her on his bike to Our Mother of Mercy hospital, South Bronx. She explains her recent absence to Gibbons, who is reluctant to have a known mutant on staff and warns her to keep things calm.

  Scott and Jean fly commercial to Alaska to begin their new life away from the team. They meet new neighbors, and Jean suddenly senses something homicidal on the jet.

  Cecelia is about to perform an appendectomy, when one of the other doctors tells the patient's parents she's a mutant, and they refuse to let her operate. Storming out, she stops for emergency surgery on a gunshot victim. The other doctors refuse to eat lunch with the homo superior, but when Pyro comes into the ER, they call her right away. He was shot during a bank robbery, and he has the Legacy Virus and can't stop burning. Cecelia removes the bullets, puts him under police guard, and makes her rounds.

  On the docks, Sauron breaks out of a crate sent from Antarctica.

  Daredevil observes and then approaches Cecelia; she mistakes him for a villain at first (horns, and all), but then treats his infected gunshot wound (see Daredevil 370-371). He advises her to be a hero, since you can save more lives that way.

  She continues her rounds, and Pyro tricks her into loosening his restraints. She gets fired for letting him escape, returns to Westchester, and tells Logan to stop smoking (and ignores Ororo's strangely uneven breasts).