Uncanny X-Men #355

1/26/2024 9:35:45 PM
North & South


  The X-Men now have a low-tech answering machine and get calls from Nightcrawler (just saying hi), Margaret Stone (telling them to expect a live-in inspector, see iss. 353), and Jean (warning about Dept. H, see iss. 352).

  Logan is taking Sauron into the city, wrapped and chained on the back of his bike. A low-flying craft knocks them over: it is Alpha Flight, here to arrest Weapon X for the murder of Madison Jeffries (Alpha Flight II:8).

  Rogue sees Dr. Agee. He claims to have cured his sister, a mutant, and takes an oral swab to get Rogue's DNA.

  Logan says Mac and Walter aren't right, mistakes Manbot for Box, and refuses to be arrested.

  In Alaska, Jean and Scott argue about her calling herself Phoenix. She says it's nothing to be afraid of: she's just claiming her own.

  The Flight attacks Logan; he says they've been duped by fake video. Heather realizes his claws aren't adamantium any more, so Dept. H has been lying again. Rogue sees the tussle and gets backup. Ororo short-circuits Heather's suit; Maggott scares Murmur to death; Rogue tries to hit Radius; Flex surrenders to Sam. Sasquatch hits Maggott with Sauron (!), Murmur tries to mesmerize him but gets nasty backlash; Rogue keeps trying to hit Radius.

  Sam gets everyone's attention and says Logan has an airtight alibi: the X-Men were all Bastion's captives when Jeffries was killed. Heather calls off the attack

  Scott leaves a message for the X-Men: he's worried about Jean.