X-Men Unlimited #7
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1994
- Month
- 12
- LastChanged
- 7/2/2024 8:14:47 PM
- Writer - Howard Mackie
- Penciler - John Romita Jr.
- Inker - Joe Rubinstein
- Lettering - Richard Starkings
- Lettering - Comicraft
- Colorist - Matt Web
- Editor - Kelly Corvese
- Editor - Bob Harras
- Editor in Chief - Tom Defalco
Ororo has returned to Cairo because her old teacher is dying. She relates her story to Jean and Remy: her parents dead, she wandered the streets until El-Gibar took her in, making a thief of her but giving her a second family with the street urchins. The girl Karima nabs Jean¹s purse and Remy¹s wallet; Ororo stops her with a storm and retrieves them.
Candra is in town, she and Bond go to see El-Gibar, offering to take over the urchins after he is dead. Jamil fights with Ororo and goes with Candra. El-Gibarknows Jamil is a mutant and asks Ororo to rescue him.
Ororo, Jean, and Remy search the city and are led into an ambush; common criminals attack them and are quickly swept away. Candra and Bond, however, fell them and leave them buried in rubble. Jean calms Ororo, who overcomes her claustrophobia and breaks them out.
They attack Candra¹s palace, just as she has ordered Jamil to kill Karima as a proof of loyalty. Ororo challenges her to single combat. Jamil and Bondmeanwhile attack Jean and Remy. The X-Men win, with a knife-throwing assist from Karima. But Jamil still goes with Candra‹anything to get off the streets.
El-Gibar prepares Karima to take his place.
Note: gallery follows: original X-Men; Brotherhood of Evil Mutants; Lady
Deathstrike and Psylocke; Bishop; Beast, Iceman and Jubilee; Jean Grey, Storm andGambit; Mystique; WolverineNote: The next issue is preempted by X-Men Chronicles, part of the Age ofApocalypse crossover.