Weapon X #4

1/16/2024 5:24:49 AM
into the maelstrom
the age of apocalypse


  Logan shows Gateway a replay of the death ofCraig in Apocalypse's Great Culling, to convince himto lead the armada against him.

  Rex informs Apocalypse that the armada is no longerin London, but he believes the storm in the NorthAtlantic will prevent an attack.

  Gateway is using the electrical storm to cover theirapproach. Emma voices doubts about Braddock, who hasinsisted on coming along. Gateway climbs on top of theairship, to better sense the storm, and Logan goes tomake sure he doesn't fall off. Pierce flies by,transmitting a warning to Apocalypse's sea platformsand then crashing into the lead ship. Braddock showshis true, treacherous colors and attacks Frost.Danvers has been merged with Vultura and is underPierce's control. Braddock fights past his implant andshoots Pierce, who impales and kills him. Then he goestopside and kills Carol, who was just his ride, thengrabs Gateway. Logan, his good arm shot, extends theclaws from his other forearm and guts Pierce. Gatewayuses his bola to create a huge gateway to let thearmada through.