Generation Next #4

1/16/2024 5:23:38 AM
After Xavier
The Age of Apocalypse


  Mondo takes human form and tries to walk outof the core, but Illyana, in his belly, sticks herhand through his chest.

  "Quietus" has shot Chamber. Sugar Man still isn'tsatisfied and suspects an inside job, so he impales"Quietus" with his tongue. Vicente leaks gas, and Huskbleeds. The team reveals itself, and Sugar Man ordershis men to attack, but then there is an explosion:Kitty has dropped Colossus through the ceiling.Chamber blasts Sugar Man, exploding him, but theystill have to fight their way a mile to the surface.Colossus sends Chamber and Skin to find Illyana.

  Mondo is attacked, but he melts into the cliff andtosses his attackers over. He tries to make roominside himself to save another little girl. Chamberand Skin arrive to see him attacked by Sugar Man, histongue piercing his body and catching Illyana.Colossus arrives, stomps him, and retrieves hissister. Kitty is phased inside Colossus, watching hisback. Colossus orders her to get him and Illyana out,abandoning their students. Outside, she says she'll goback for them, but Colossus insists she take Illyanato Westchester, then tries to get back inside, but thedoor closes on him. He sees his students overwhelmed,about to be killed.

  That night, he catches up to Kitty. So does SugarMan.