X-Force #44
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1995
- Month
- 7
- LastChanged
- 1/27/2024 9:19:21 PM
...Already in Progress
- Writer - Jeph Loeb
- Penciler - Adam Pollina
- Inker - Mark Farmer
- Lettering - Chris Eliopoulos
- Colorist - Marie Javins
- Separations - Electric Crayon
- Editor - Bob Harras
Note: in X-Men Prime, Arcade blew up Murderworld out from under X-Force, and Roberto rejoined as Sunspot, no longer a villain.
In Westchester, Cable is in conference with Xavier, and the team is on tenterhooks, wanting to know what's going on. Siryn is missing; James has a buzz cut. Roberto flies, and nobody but Sam is comfortable with him.
Shatterstar and Boomer go to use the Danger Room, but find it already in use by Sabretooth, who is, uncharacteristically, lounging in a pastoral environment (he was lobotomized in Wolverine 90). Sam hollers at them for even getting near him.
Cable calls the team together telepathically for the first time. He and Xavier announce that they are planning to have their teams work more closely together, that X-Force is moving temporarily into the mansion, and everyone gets a new uniform (and James gets a bo stick). Sam has been promoted to the X-Men; Caliban is joining X-Force; Rictor quits because he doesn't want Cable in his head.
Siryn is dragged in a straight jacket into the Weissman Institute for the Criminally Insane.