Wolverine #102
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1996
- Month
- 6
- LastChanged
- 2/11/2024 12:49:40 PM
Unspoken Promises
- Story - Larry Hama
- Penciler - Adam Kubert
- Inker - Dan Green
- Colorist - Joe Rosas
- Lettering - Richard Starkings
- Enhancement - Malibu
- Editor in Chief - Bob Harras
- Lettering - Comicraft
Logan escapes from Salem Center and hitches a ride aboard the top of an Amtrak into New York City. While there, he is still unknowingly being tracked by Elektra.
In the meantime, a young child sneaks out of his room to hang out with one of his buddies during the night. The two attempts to pull off a heist off of a drug dealer. His friend opens fire and kills the dealer. The dealer fires one wild shot, which hits and kills a blind beggar nearby. Logan gives chase after the kid's friend and slashes away at him. The kid runs away with Logan hot on his trail. Hitting the end of a platform, the kid turns around and fires one shot at Logan, hitting him. The kid though falls right onto the tracks on the subway. Logan looked as if he would allow the kid to lie there, but he saw the necklace pendant of Mary on the kid, and grabs him at the moment before the train runs over that portion of the track. Logan takes him back to the crime scene, pointing there to where his mother sat weeping. The kid slowly approaches his mom until he saw how Logan collapsed on the ground. He turns back to check. Helping Logan up, the kid finds himself facing the drug dealer, who had not died. About to fire, Elektra, from behind, kills him with one of her daggers. She sends the kid off back to his mom, and Elektra takes Logan away.