Uncanny X-Men #391
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 2001
- Month
- 4
- LastChanged
- 1/26/2024 9:51:40 PM
- Writer - Scott Lobdell
- Penciler - Salvador Larroca
- Inker - Tim Townsend
- Inker - Lary Stucker
- Lettering - Comicraft
- Lettering - Richard Starkings
- Lettering - Saida Temofonte
- Colorist - Hi-Fi Design
- Ass't Editor - Pete Franco
- Editor - Mark Powers
- Editor in Chief - Joe Quesada
Scott is back, having been merged with Apocalypse and presumed dead for months (Search for Cyclops LS). He has a new movie-star haircut, uniform, and motorbike. He mourns Piotr's death but respects his decision (reader persuasion alert!) He is considering his future and has asked his father to meet him. They awkwardly avoid hugging and then go fishing.
Corsair recalls thinking the Starjammers could change the Shi'ar Empire. On the lam, they went diving for food but were driven off by large-toothed sea creatures. He laughs at the memory; Scott doesn't get it and continues brooding.
They camp; Corsair asks Scott to use his power to start the fire, but he's offended his own father doesn't know he has a force beam, not a heat ray. Corsair tries to apologize but gives up. Scott finally asks him why he didn't come back for his kids; Corsair says he was a captive and then had responsibilities with the Starjammers; Scott says he never cared about them; Corsair backhands him. Scott: "Yeah, that's a solution." He doesn't want children because he's afraid of being a bad father. But he went time traveling to raise Nathan (Adventures of Cyclops & Phoenix) and again asks why Corsair didn't come back.
Corsair breaks down and admits he was too ashamed, unable to protect his family, and he thought they were better off without him. He apologizes. Scott relents, and they awkwardly avoid saying they love each other. Scott recalls the last night the family was together, camping, and just like then he falls asleep in his father's embrace.