Web of Spider-Man Annual #10
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1994
- Month
- 0
- LastChanged
- 7/11/2024 6:11:32 PM
Daze and Confusion
Shrek, Rattle and Roll
Tabula Rasa
The Power of Resistance
- Plot - Terry Kavanagh
- Script - Mike Lackey
- Penciler - Jerry Bingham
- Inker - Tom Palmer
- Lettering - Steve Dutro
- Colorist - Freddy Mendez
- Script - Joey Cavalieri
- Breakdowns - Alex Saviuk
- Finisher - Don Hudson
- Lettering - Sergio Cariello
- Colorist - Joe Andreani
- Writer - Mike Lackey
- Penciler - Sergio Cariello
- Inker - Keith Williams
- Colorist - Bob Sharen
- Writer - Joey Cavalieri
- Artist - Vince Giarrano