X-Man #3

2/3/2024 1:13:31 AM
Turning Point


  Domino has Forge at knifepoint, demanding the telepath. He throws a flash grenade and runs to Mastermind, asking him to pretend to be the one they're looking for. He creates an illusion of Apocalypse emerging from the ground, but Domino sees through it and shoots him. Nate flies in, but she knocks him down with her knife hilt. She offers him alli-ance with Apocalypse or death.

  Toad duels Caliban and kills him; Grizzly kills Toad; Forge kills Grizzly. Nate grabs Domino's mind, forcing her to see everyone she has killed, and she falls in a stupor.

  Nate hugs Forge, saying he doesn't like what his power does to him, and he realizes he's not ready to face Apocalypse. Forge finds Brute's body, and doesn't believe Sinister's lie that Domino did it. Nate feels his pain and rushes to his side; he tells him to find Mag-neto and then dies. Nate explodes the build-ing; Sinister applauds him; Nate blasts him full force, but he reappears behind him, ready to answer his questions.