X-Force #42
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1995
- Month
- 1
- LastChanged
- 1/27/2024 9:19:09 PM
- Writer - Fabian Nicieza
- Penciler - Terry Dodson
- Inker - Kevin Conrad
- Lettering - Pat Brosseau
- Lettering - Chris Eliopoulos
- Colorist - Marie Javins
- Editor - Bob Harras
- Editor in Chief - Tom Defalco
Emma and James discuss his mistakenly blaming Xavier for John's death and the Hellfire Club for his tribe's massacre; her trying to replace the Hellions with Generation X. She tries to make him face his fear of death, but he refuses. (At least he's convinced she didn't kill his tribe.)
Sean and Theresa discuss unrequited loves: James and Moira. Sam and Paige bicker: he's concerned that Emma is her role model; she doesn't want to be told what to do. Jubilee and Boomer engage in competition shopping.
In Germany, Verschlagen's husband tries to break into her research facility and is killed. She prepares to be attacked by the Clan Yashida.