X-Force #49
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1995
- Month
- 12
- LastChanged
- 1/27/2024 9:19:55 PM
Target: X-Force
- Writer - Jeph Loeb
- Penciler - Terry Dodson
- Inker - Mark Morales
- Inker - Andy Lanning
- Inker - Russell
- Colorist - Marie Javins
- Separations - Electric Crayon
- Editor - Bob Harras
Shaw survived his son's attempted parricide and is assembling a team, using Tessa to mind-control Holocaust when necessary.
Boomer goes home to Pennsylvania to visit her father.
Caliban goes home to the Morlock tunnels with Roberto, and he senses a mutant (the Morlocks were killed off by Marauders in Uncanny 211 and by Michael Rasputin in Uncanny 293). Holocaust takes them both down.
James and Theresa go into New York: he thinks it's a date, she shops. She calls for help in the dressing room, and James burst in to find Shaw, who fells them both.
Shatterstar wanders the streets alone, finds a gay-bashing to interrupt, and is attacked by Holocaust.
Boomer talks with dad; he doesn't hate her for being a mutant, but he is a drunk. He reveals that her mother is still alive. Shaw and Holocaust show up at the front door and blast the trailer apart.