X-Force #89
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1999
- Month
- 4
- LastChanged
- 1/27/2024 9:46:15 PM
Armageddon Now
- Writer - John Francis Moore
- Penciler - Terry Shoemaker
- Inker - Bud LaRosa
- Lettering - Albert Deschesne
- Lettering - Comicraft
- Lettering - Richard Starkings
- Colorist - Marie Javins
- Editor - Bobbie Chase
- Editor in Chief - Bob Harras
Hellions Triumphant!
In 1959, the Alamogordo Project (as in Brian Xavier, Kurt Marko) investigated mutations caused by atomic energy. The Armageddon Man's power is to draw natural disasters to himself, and he destroyed a town with an earthquake. The army under Col. Danville bombed him and put him in suspended animation.
Under Paradigm's control, Dani is able to see his memories. He was experimented on as a young mutant with TK, and injected with a tech-organic virus.
Switch and Feral kidnap Danville, now a senator. Christopher blackmails the US government for $1 billion, or he'll wake the Armageddon Man.
Tarot touches Paradigm and infects him with tarot images. Dani uses her new quantum energy to break the team free. Then the Armageddon Man breaks free.