X-Force #115
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 2001
- Month
- 6
- LastChanged
- 1/27/2024 9:50:56 PM
- Writer - Ian Ed Ginton
- Penciler - Jorge Lucas
- Inker - Jorge Lucas
- Lettering - Chris Eliopoulos
- Colorist - VLM
- Ass't Editor - Frank Dunkerley
- Editor - Matt Hicks
- Editor in Chief - Joe Quesada
Then: James and Jesse attack Stuart's bodyguards in the streets of London and kidnap him.
Now: a wounded and defeated Domino says attacking British Intel was the beginning of the end, and not everyone survived.
Then: Stuart is shocked to find Wisdom, but Sam says it's just him with black hair. X-Force was supposedly killed in Russia (iss. 113); Stuart realizes they've been working with Wisdom's files. They want his help; he needs convincing; they relate their recent woes up to the interrogation of Corben (iss. 94-114): Romany Wisdom ordered them killed. Stuart says she heads a secret operation, but they could trace her through the parasite removed from Domino.
They attack her base, and she let them take out her men, but then orders them to surrender, die, or join her team. She takes them on a tour of the massive, underground base, constructed of technology like the alien parasite. She has culled death-row inmates and is using them as symbiotes to rewrite the human genome and eliminate disease and crime, in line with the alien technology.
She notes X-Force killed Gentechnic personnel who had families (last iss.); Jesse notes she's full of alien technology. They refuse to join her, so she sics symbiotes on them. Tabitha and Sam are overwhelmed before Jesse can use his power to disrupt them. Domino was evacuated by helicopter and doesn't know if anyone else survived.
Pete Wisdom is with her interviewers; he has been dead, too, and thinks his sister will have escaped. He manipulated X-Force into saving the world and says they'll be back, too, when you least expect them.