X-Man #30

2/3/2024 1:28:35 AM
Coming Home


  Note: this ties into the Zero Tolerance crossover.

  The girls nurse Nate, but he's unconscious for days. Cable telepathically wakes him, warning of Zero Tolerance, and asks him to look after his sort-of cousins, Joey and Galen.

  Sentinels are in the loft, where John Grey has taken them, and he hurriedly sends them off with Roust. Nate shows up just in time, fells the Sentinels, sends John to tend to his wife, and goes after the boys, hiding under electronics in a maintenance shaft. A Sentinel finds them, and Nate zooms off with them under his arms.

  In Hong Kong, Maddie senses Nate's distress.

  Still tired from being dead and all, Nate is unable to get far, and the Sentinel catches up, now reconfigured to withstand Nate's powers.

  Nate takes control of another one, realizes it's human, and uses him to blast himself, projecting the illusion that they were all killed. He sends the Greys off and goes to find Roust.