Marvel Comics Present #77
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1991
- Month
- 5
- LastChanged
- 8/3/2024 11:22:18 PM
Weapon-X: Chapter Five
- Writer - Barry Windsor-smith
- Lettering - Jim Novak
- Lettering - Barry Windsor-smith
Shanna: The Bush of Ghosts
- Writer - Gerard Jones
- Penciler - Paul Gulacy
- Inker - Gary Martin
- Lettering - Jade Moede
- Colorist - Steve Mattson
Sgt. Fury /Dracula: Rumanian Rumble
- Writer - Doug Murray
- Penciler - Tom Lyle
- Inker - Joe Rubinstein
- Inker - Art Nichols
- Lettering - Mike Heisler
- Colorist - Steve Mattson
Sub-Mariner: The Tides that Bind
- Writer - Robert Campanella
- Penciler - Grant Miehm
- Inker - Robert Campanella
- Lettering - Richard Starkings
- Colorist - Glynis Oliver