Powers V2 #9
- Publisher
- Icon: Marvel
- Year
- 2005
- Month
- 2
- LastChanged
- 8/31/2006 10:25:00 PM
- Writer - Brian Michael Bendis
- Penciler - Mike Avon Oeming
- Colorist - Peter pantazis
- Lettering - Ken Bruzenak
- Editor - James Lucas Jones
- Editor - K.C. McCrory
A hero is dead, a power jewel is missing. Deena and walker are up to their necks in clues and suspects, but can they solve the case before the power of the dark jewel is unleashed on the city? Can Deena keep her secret powers a secret much longer? Its America's number one creator owned book from the writer of the number one book in the country... New Avengers! Its Bendis uncensored and the only place you can find it.