Gambit and the X-ternals #4

1/16/2024 5:22:38 AM
After Xavier: The Age of Apocalypse
The Maze


  Dazzler and Exodus find the remains of Nanny in the Morlock tunnels, but no sign of Charles. Apocalypse interrogates Rictor, angry that he screwed up.

  Flashback: Remy gives the shard of M'Kraan to Jubilee and Strong Guy, while he and Lila lead Rictor astray. Jubilee has Charles in the sewers, trying to get him and the crystal to Magneto. Strong Guy stops her: he had been caught two months earlier and implanted with a bomb, so he has to cooperate with Apocalypse, and he destroyed Nanny. Rictor said he could track Jubilee, so Remy realized there was an implant, and he takes Lila back toward Westchester. He runs into Strong Guy coming the other way with Charles, and realizes all. Rictor tries to kill them all and brings down the roof. Remy rescues Lila while Strong Guy holds up the main sup-port beam, then lets go and is buried in rubble.

  Strong Guy brought the crystal and the boy to Apocalypse, trading them for his and Lila's freedom. Apocalypse condemns Rictor for thinking Remy was more impor-tant, and kills him.

  Dazzler and Exodus rescue Remy and Lila from the rubble. Remy tells the bad news.