X-Men: The End #5
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 2005
- Month
- 1
- LastChanged
- 2/3/2024 10:49:40 AM
- Writer - Chris Claremont
- Penciler - Sean Chen
- Inker - Sandu Florea
- Colorist - Avalon Studios
- Colorist - Ian Hannin
- Lettering - Dave Sharpe
- Ass't Editor - Andy Schmidt
- Ass't Editor - Molly Lazer
- Ass't Editor - Nicole Wiley
- Editor - Tom Brevoort
- Editor in Chief - Joe Quesada
Moonstar has a vision of the Rainbow Bridge; Hela sees and realizes since she's of two worlds, the bridge and her people's Hanging Road have become one. As a Valkyrie (New Mutants Special Edition ‘86), she is beloved of Hela, which is her salvation. The Neverland director orders her gassed again.
At the Institute: Wolfsbane howls at the moon, upset she can't help Moonstar. Carter convinces her to come and play; she tells Martha she'll be in the crystal palace with the dead.
Valle Soleada, California: Remy, blindfolded, exercises on the beach with his and the Summers kids. Vargas's thugs Thais and Thaiis (X-Treme X-Men 17) now stand guard here; Rogue gets Emma to put her cares aside and go shopping.
XSE HQ in DC: Bobby tries to get Sage to cooperate; she says she is, and she lets Alleyne (New Mutants vol. II, shown here as a white man) absorb all her knowledge. Ororo observes remotely and realizes she's overwhelming him with data and using the time to analyze it. Monet reminds her that defending Sage is what got her removed as the head of the XSE; Ororo sarcastically remarks she thought it was the paralysis.
Alleyne goes for his gun; he learned *Cooper isn't herself; she extends her limbs and impales him and the armed guard, and then pushes Bobby through the wall. She tells Sage it's her turn to interrogate her.
Ororo, floating in the swimming pool, yells for Logan; he gets thrown through the window by *Yukio, who stops Ororo from getting into her wheelchair and starts to drown her.
*Ahab attacks Rachel, ending it the way it was meant to. Kitty comes to Rachel's rescue, but *Ahab is prepared to kill them both. Most of the bar's customers are firemen and cops; soon they're all shooting at *Ahab, but he shrugs it off and zaps them with a harpoon. Xi'an tries to possess him, but he repels her.
Mount D'Ancanto is an inactive volcano in the center of Valle Soleada and the site of one of the best night spots on the California coast. Sunspot welcomes Emma and Rogue to drink champagne at sunset. *Gambit arrives, as well, and greets Rogue. She punches him, knocking him into the volcano, and follows, demanding to know who he really is; he refuses to tell; she snaps his neck, and he reverts to native form: a Warskrull. Rogue explains: she grew up with a shapeshifter and knows how to spot one.
*Yukio turns into a Warskrull and holds Ororo underwater with his foot. Ororo summons the weather; he gloats he can't be stopped with lightning, so she pours down a deluge and freezes him in place. He calls for Logan to help her get out of the ice.
X-23 and Monet attack *Val, and Bobby freezes him. He breaks free, but Sage, having freed herself and got two guns, shoots him. She says they need to sound a global alert: this is only the beginning.
*Ahab prepares to kill the mutants; instead, Lockheed blasts him from behind.
Emma, Rogue and Sunspot find Rogue's house trashed and empty; Thaiis says shapeshifters attacked, and Remy said he was repaying his debt to Sinister by giving him the children.
Bulwark is a security guard at the Institute; he checks in with Martha and warns her something's coming. He tries to blast it but gets blasted himself. Maddie, Stryfe, and Genesis are calling a Summers family reunion.