Wolverine #124

2/11/2024 1:04:16 PM
Invisible Destroyers!


  Returning back from a training session with one of Wolverine's past sensei, Mabel (who criticizes how Logan still defends himself with a bent elbow) to rediscipline himself with the basic skills to becoming a disciplined warrior, while traveling through downtown Manhattan, Logan notices how two people were commenting about Captain America making a charity appearance at Madison Square Garden, and so he decides to head on over to the Garden, thinking about how Captain America can handle the publicity that he gets as a public superhero. On his way there, his senses seemed to sense something very wrong in the back alley of the garden. His senses tells him that there were a dozen men in the alley, but his eyes tells him otherwise. He thinks he might be going mad, but nevertheless, investigates it out.

  Entering through the back door, after moving aside a harassing security guard, Logan suddenly pops out his claws and seemingly begins to swing wildly in the air. The people in the backstage runs away, thinking that Logan was just some mutant who had lost his mind. Logan, beginning to think that maybe he really was losing it, began to doubt his senses, something which in the past never had failed him. He continues swinging wildly, battling something that he can't see. A few of the men backstage, who was to work with Captain America during his charity demonstration, tries to apprehend Logan, but without success. Captain America enters, and Logan looks as if he'll attack Captain America, but as a soldier, Captain America recognizes what Logan was doing and steps aside. Logan draws blood seemingly from air, and suddenly, a figure materializes before them, in some kind of costume which cloaked his presence. Donning one of the goggles that this man had been wearing, Logan was able to see the men that his senses had been telling him was there.

  The leader of these cloaked men introduces himself as Rascal, and his followers as Rodents. Seein how Logan had just uncovered them, Rascal orders Logan to be killed. Captain America joins the fight as Logan gives him one of the pairs of goggles from another man that he injures, and the two battles it out against Rascal and his Rodents. The action spills onstage before the audience, who thinks the entire thing is just some sort of show. The cloaked men uncloakes themselves, using the extra energy to power their weapons, but Logan and Captain America are still able to duel it out with them and defeat the Rodents. As Captain America finishes off the remaining Rodents, Logan gives chase after Rascal, who keeps babbling and blaming Logan for interfering with his plans to destroy Captain America. Rascal threatens to kill the audience, but Logan calls his bluff, and Captain America takes him down with his shield. Battle done, Logan and Captain America emerges victorious.