Spider-Girl #25
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 2000
- Month
- 10
- LastChanged
- 6/28/2024 4:21:45 PM
The Savage Six
- Writer - Tom Defalco
- Penciler - Patrick Olliffe
- Inker - Al Williamson
- Lettering - Jim Novak
- Colorist - Christie Scheele
- Editor - Mike Marts
- Editor in Chief - Bob Harras
The Story starts off with somone breaking Raptor out of custody when she was being transfered to the courthouse for trial. They cuts over to May Day Parker in high school hallway discusing fashion and guys... And her boyfriend call her a babe(she hates being called a babe).
Cuts back to a group of villians calling themselfs the Savage Six. Who bring the recently broke out Raptor, and ask for her to join up with them. Raptor is indiffernt but goes along anyways, almost like she just wanted to get on with her life. The group members are now Raptor, Mr. Abnormal, Sabereclaw, Dragon King, Killerwatt, Funny Face. As the group bickers about what they are now going to call themselves, Funny Faces brother shows up Crazy Eight. Crazy Eight says he just droping in to check up on his little brother.
Ok the next page it cuts back to May Day Parker and her boy friend James Jameson (aka The Buzz) arguing. (Lifes minor drama's). Back with the Savage Six they start working though Funny Faces plan to get back at Spider-Girl. They kidnap two of May's friend James Jameson , and her girl friend (whats her name). May was webslinging over to the Bugle when she almost colides with Nova. He chastizes her about being Green and inexperienced, and that saving lifes takes a cool head and split second timing.... She finially arrives at the Daily Bugle and is talking to Jonah Jameson about the pictures she has taken (takeing up the family bussiness). The next moment Raptor breaks though the window with a message for Spider-Girl, saying two students from Midtown high have been kidnaped and one of them was James Jameson (Jonahs Grandson). Raptor goes on to tell Jonah to have Spider-Girl meet her at the place where they last battled. Jonah races out to the phones to get help to get he grandson back, leaving May to change into her Spider-Girl Outfit and meet up with Raptor. A short while later May and Raptor are fighting on a roof top, while they are fighting Raptor tells May that she wearing a card of her next stop , if she get past her. Moments later May gets onto raptors back they start to fly off the roof, Raptor complaining she can't fly with the extra weight... May flips over the front of her plants her feet on the side of the building while still holding on to raptor , slams her into the side of the building hard. Raptor is out, May leaves her for the police and takes the card and heads off to the sewers where Mr. Abnormal is waiting for her. He is like Mr. Fantastic without the brains, he ends up in a big knotted mess after trying to keep up with May (Spider-Girls) manovering. She quickly takes the card and heads off to the next stop a meat locker. She meets up with Sabreclaw, after some hide and seek. She get Sabreclaw to sink he claws into a a peice of meat with alot of webbing to hold him in place. Now she has three more villians to go. She is walking to the next stop a train yard. She is catching a small breather when Dragon King makes his appearance and swats May down. He picks up a traincar and intends to smash May with it. But May thinking fast shoots a webline to his arms and with a quick and strong pull, causes him to drop the traincar on himself.
She goes to the next place to a office building construction site, with lots of steal frameing around. She meets up with Killerwatt, he sprays the area with electricity. She bounces around avoiding most of his shots, and knocks him out but not before he connects with a massive zap of eletricity. May lays there trying to get up several times, she finially sits up and Franklin Richards (Psilord) offers her a hand. And explains too her how Jonah has alot of people searching for spider-girl to help get his grandson back. The next seen they show Spider-Girl with renforcements heading too Funny Faces hide out. Crazy Eight stops his little brother from running, by knocking him out. and Surrenders to the heros. May trys to sling her way home and notices she no longer posses her spider-powers......