Transformers Generation 2 #9

1/15/2024 5:23:41 PM

Tales of Earth


  Optimus Prime is leading a research party on the moon J'Asik, where everything and everyone has been destroyed by an unknown corrosive force. Though Megatron questions the use of such work, Optimus orders the science team to study the cause of the cataclysm.

  On the planet Korn, a group of Lord Jhiaxus' Decepticons is casually exterminating the local natives, a race of illiterate hunter-gatherers. The planet is suddenly approached by the Swarm; the Decepticons try to attack it, but with no effect, and instead are instantly destroyed by its touch. As the Swarm consumes Mindset, the squad leader, it suddenly develops a strong sense of familarity and purpose, and redoubles its efforts as a result.

  On the Decepticon Warworld, Onslaught suddenly doubles over in pain, and shrugs off Blast Off's concern. And even without the Creation Matrix, Optimus Prime senses that his premonitions of doom are about to come true...

  Back on the planet Ethos (see last issue), Jhiaxus studies the ruined cities and ponders about Optimus' leadership skills. He is then visited by Starscream, who offers to help him destroy Optimus Prime and Megatron in return for a lofty position in Jhiaxus' army


  At the Autobot camp in the Nevada basin on Earth, Perceptor announces that he has learned something about the force that devastated J'asik -- the thing that destroyed the moon has a genetic sequence that's closely related to the Transformers. When Megatron accuses Optimus Prime of expecting this news, Optimus tells him about his research into the origins of the Transformers (issue #5), and his visions of a destructive force more dangerous than Lord Jhiaxus.

  Klaxons suddenly ring out as the camp is bombarded. Everyone rushes outside, where they are under attack by Jhiaxus' forces...


  Hidden in the ruins of J'asik (on pages 2 and 3) are the corpses of the stars of Mystery Science Theater 3000. Tom Servo is on the left, near Grimlock, while Crow T. Robot is in the middle, near Perceptor. Presumably, the skeleton between them is Joel Robinson, who was the human host of MST3K when this issue was released