Wolverine #5
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1989
- Month
- 3
- LastChanged
- 2/11/2024 12:26:43 PM
Hunter's Moon
- Writer - Chris Claremont
- Penciler - John Buscema
- Inker - Al Williamson
- Lettering - Janice Chiang
- Colorist - Glynis Oliver
- Editor - Bob Harras
- Editor in Chief - Tom Defalco
Logan and Corrigan flies to the area known as the Golden Triangle, which was where Gen. Coy's main opium plantation was. Their mission: to destroy the compound, thus cutting off Coy's major cash supply.
With Logan taking over the controls briefly, Corrigan had went to the back to get a pistol. He had planned to kill Logan because he was afraid that if he didn't kill Logan, Bloodscream, who had said that if he ever caught Corrigan again with Logan, would kill him. But, Corrigan decides against it because he suspected Logan knew because he heard Logan release and retract his claws, and he also figured that since he's been straight all his life, he was not willing to turn bad right now.
Next thing they knew, they were under attack by another plane. Logan tries a daring dive, and at the last minute, pulls the plane up. But they had no luck in shaking off the enemy aircraft. Logan leaps out of the airplane without a chute. While freefalling, he pops out one set of his claws and slices off one of the enemy plane's wing, causing it to crash against the mountainside. Logan freefalls into a lake.
Meanwhile, in a separate scene, McCabe and Drew with the injured Tyger heads to a branch office of Landau, Luckman, and lake in Lowtown Madripoor for protection. There, we learn a little about the organization itself. But soon, they were attacked and kidnapped by Roughouse and Bloodscream.
Back at the Golden Triangle, a few militaristic men who were working for Coy and was in charge of the operations there at that plantation were still on the lookout for Logan. Logan brings down two of them, and dresses up in one of their uniform. Under this disguise, he manages to sneak into the compound. There, he wages a one-man war against the people there, and with the help of Corrigan firing shots from the air, destroys the compound.Little did they know on their way back that Tyger, McCabe, and Drew had been kidnapped.