Wolverine #57

2/11/2024 12:38:59 PM
Death in the Family!


  In the house of the Yashida clan, Wolverine, Gambit, and the Silver Samurai are battling the Hand's ninjas. Mariko leads the three back into the mansion and makes their way to chapel. Their path has booby-traps lined up everywhere to hinder the ninja's progess through the mansion.

  Outside, Silver Fox brings the captured Reiko to Matsuo. Matsuo was about to choke Reiko for her failure but Kojiro stops him because he wanted payment. Matsuo kills Kojiro with a bullet. Silver Fox talks with Matsuo about a possible plan that she has to use Reiko to get to Mariko Yashida.

  Jubilee and Yukio heads for the roof of the Yashida mansion. There, they encounter Cylla, and a battle ensues there.

  Down below, Mariko wants Logan to restore the honor of the Yashida clan, and gives Wolverine his traditional brown/yellow costume to wear. They are then suddenly alerted that someone had entered the mansion, but someone small, like a girl. We see that they had let Reiko in with a cane (since she was blind). Reiko didn't know that Mariko was involved with Wolverine which was why she agreed to go in. She manages to evade all the booby traps and gain entrance.

  The battle between Yukio, Jubilee, and Cylla causes a hole to form on the roof. Wolverine is torn between guarding Mariko from what might be coming through the maze and saving the two up on the roof from Cylla. Gambit says he'd look after Yashida, and gives Wolverine a boost to fight Cylla. As they fight on the roof, Reiko gets to the chapel, and presents Matsuo's offer to Mariko: an offer to buy out the Yashida clan underworld holding at a reasonable price in exchange for one of Mariko's finger. Silver Samurai is suspicious of the dagger, and how it might be poisoned. Reiko sticks herself in the hand to prove that it wasn't poisoned.

  Back on the roof, Cylla is finally thrown off the roof with help from Jubilee's plasma light blast that knocks out her night vision. Hanging on the with one hand, she is about to be defeated. Down below, Mariko takes the blade and cuts her finger, only to scream out in pain as she realizes the blade has been coated with blowfish toxin, which had no known antibiotic. Wovlerine hears her scream, and hurries down to investigate while Yukio and Jubilee takes care of Cylla. Back in the car, Silver Fox explains to Matsuo how she knew Reiko would be immune to blowfish toxin since she had been exposed to the toxin for so long. She knew that Reiko would agree to it since she did not know Logan was Mariko's beloved, and she knew that once finding out, Reiko would take her own life, which she does by stabbing herself with Silver Samurai's sword.

  As Logan takes Mariko to the chapel, with her dying breath, her final request to Logan was to use his claws to kill her and spare her the pain of the blowfish toxin. Logan at first says he couldn't. (Back on the roof, Jubilee and Yukio finishes Cylla off by cutting a power cable which electrocutes Cylla). In the end, all we hear is a SNIKT, and the book closes o