Another Couple Boxes down.

Posted by Ocean on Jul 3, 2024

I started digging into more of my boxes of comic books. Rereading a bunch, and rescanning / rebagging/boarding them, which is showing up on the website as I scan covers in that were missing or low res. The local Tenth Planet Comic book store has seen me a few times now for supplies. Purchased a new long box, and other supplies so I can consolidate a few smaller boxes into one larger one to make things easier on myself. I am also thinking of how I track all these comics, and if I should label the boxes and track that in the database too. Right now I just track that I own them not to where they are stored. I did purchase a couple of issues of Symbiote Spider-Man 2099 limited series. But nothing really called to me when I was poking around the current issues, which kinda bumed me out a bit, but tiss be life.