I purchased a few comics over the last couple of months. And it was stupid for not paying closer attention to what I was buying, aka impulse buying. I did not pay enough attention to notice the comics I purchased were the same comic with just variant covers. I am looking at Green Lantern comics. I am not purposely trying to buy all the variant covers of these issues. I was just an idiot for not double checking if I had the issues already. I was mostly going off memory of the covers, if I had them already. I am going to be looking for different comic bookstores, in hopes of finding some missing Transformer comic books, to fill in the missing gaps. The local Tenth Planet location seems to only keep Marvel and DC in their stacks, or simply they sell all of the Non Marvel/DC comics either way it rules out any recent Transformer comic books. And if they do have them in the stacks, I couldn't find them after searching for over 30-some-odd minutes. I did some further checking and it is very common for Green lantern comics to have 3 variant covers for each issue.