Wolverine #111
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1997
- Month
- 3
- LastChanged
- 2/11/2024 12:51:42 PM
- Writer - Larry Hama
- Penciler - Anthony Winn
- Inker - Dan Green
- Lettering - Richard Starkings
- Lettering - Comicraft
- Colorist - Dana Moreshead
- Editor - Bob Harras
Back from his trip to Japan and Canada, Logan returns back to Salem Center, home of the X-Men. Returning, he meets Bishop, Cyclops, Beast, and Jean Grey setting up a going-away party for Iceman, who after what had been happening to his family and after his experience with Graydon Creed's presidential campaign, had decided to move closer to his family.
Later that day, Jean brings Logan a package, telling him that it had just arrived from Landau, Luckman, and Lake. Inside was some kind of holographic recorder, along wiht some papers. Turning it on, an image of Zoe Culloden told Logan that she had sent to him in the package an artifact for which he was to keep safe, but whose contents and origin Logan did not need to know just yet. The projection also warned of a dark time coming, and that Logan could be the next "nexus of malevolent energies".
Later on, Cyk, Cannonball, Iceman, Beast, and Logan head on over to Harry's Hideaway to hang out. Logan felt out of place, and decided to head on over to the Auger Inn to have a drink there by himself while thinking about miscellaneous stuff. After returning back to the mansion, Logan continues to be deep in thought, wondering what he is to do since Xavier was now gone, and only Logan felt that he was the one he was most close with in communications.
The next day, to escape from these thoughts, Logan, back in his Wolverine uniform, heads on over to the Danger Room to have a workout. Upon entering, he finds a different enviroment inside. He discovered this evil guy with a big energy sword inside, who says that he will have Logan in the end. Logan and him battle it out. Suddenly some creature grabs Logan's leg. Logan realizes that it was Mariko Yashida. The evil guy says that he could bring her back to the world of living, but only if Logan would join him in his evil endeavors. Logan though manages to grab the guy's energy sword from him and stab him with it, causing him to disappear. The figure of Mariko still had its grasp on him, but next thing Logan knows, Stick appears and puts her back into her grave for eternal sleep. Stick warns Logan that the evil guy was a really bad one who was trying to make Logan strive from the path. Stick wouldn't tell him who the guy was, except that Logan knew him from a long time ago and that his destiny was intertwined with Logan's. Stick wants Logan to think about what all these means and to stay on the path, even if it means for him to end up straying away from those places that protects him.
Later that day, Logan and Sam (Cannonball) head on over to Salem Center. Logan presents Cannonball with a new Harley that was kinda like the one he had. Logan though tells Sam that he was now going to be around the mansion much for awhile, since he was going to head out to be on his own for awhile.